Where Is Xur Today? (May 26-30) Destiny 2 Exotic Items And Xur Location Guide
19659001 Season of the Deep, the new season of Destiny 2, is in its first weekend, and Xur has arrived on time to employ his customary exotic and well-known gear. Now is an excellent opportunity to check if you can grab some of that equipment from the Agent of the Nine this weekend since several exotic weapons and armour pieces are being updated in this week’s slot. Here are the locations where you can find Xur this weekend and the items that the Agent of the Nine is selling. Currently, you may find Xur inside the Hangar, in the 19459005 Tower. 19459006 Xur is giving Arbalest his weapon. Titans can obtain the 19459005 Armamentarium chest armour, while Hunters can obtain the 19459005 Fortunate Pants 19459006 leg armour. For Warlocks, Xur possesses the Eye of Another World 19459005 19659003 Xur’s location is in the Tower’s Xur area. The area of Xur in the Tower is 19659005. Find Xur right now by entering the Courtyard transmat zone in the Tower. To enter the Hangar area, turn left and descend the stairs, then hang another. Make your way to the northernmost part of the area, where you should look for a stairway leading to a catwalk where Xur is waiting. Exotic and Legendary Items 19659007 Engram of a Kind – 97 Legendary Shards 29 Legendary Shards in Arbalest Fortunate Pants – 23 Legendary Shards, 19659010 Eye of Another World – 23 Legendary Shards, 19659011 Armamentarium 19659012 – 23 Legendary Shards Hawkmoon: 200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic Cypher; Dead Man’s Tale: 200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard; Xenology mission: Free Famous Armour and Weapons: 50 Legendary Shards, 1,000 Glimmer; 19659017 Additionally, Xur offers the weekly Xenology task, which requires you to complete 21 strikes or triumph in Crucible and Gambit games in order to create an Exotic Cypher. Next season, you’ll have the option to use these at Master Rahool to acquire the Exotics you want instead of using them as they usually are to buy used Exotics from a kiosk in the Tower. Exotic Cyphers will also have a higher cap because you can now hold up to five of them at once. In Destiny 2, Xur is present every weekend, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET every Friday. Since he is not marked on the map when he first arrives, his exact location is always a mystery, making him easy to overlook for inexperienced players. He establishes residence in a predetermined number of places, including the EDZ’s Winding Cove location, Nessus’ Watcher’s Grave, and the Tower Hangar location. Special Armour Fortunate Pants 19659020 No Caption is Available 19659022 Lucky Pants were just recently delivered by Xur, and the Agent of the Nine now has them in store. In case you missed them the first time, they are essentially Swiss Army Knife trousers, the kind of trousers that hand cannon-wielding gunslingers prefer. Depending on which subclass you’re using, using those futuristic revolvers not only increases your damage but also gives you a great enthusiast. This Exotic’s statistics are obviously lacking in those that are important to hunters, since movement, strength, and strength are all set to very low values while healing and discipline are each set to a whopping 20 points. Movement: 7 19659023 7 durability 20 19659026 healing, 20 discipline, and 20 intelligence. 7 Strength sum total: 67 19659030 Weaponry No Caption Available 19659032 Nothing too complicated with Armamentarium, as this Exotic gives you a second grenade charge. Depending on your approach, helpful in PvP, not so desired in PvE because you can use armour upgrades to quickly regain grenade energy. The Exotic’s numbers aren’t overly impressive either. because it lacks a lot of durability and has a very low strength. Although healing is very high, many Titans don’t worry too much about it when they’re customising their Guardian. Movement: 2 Strength: 8 19659033 Eye of Another World No Caption Provided 19659035 Healing: 26 Discipline: 12 Intelligence: 16 19659038 Strength: 2 One of the Warlock Exotics that tends to work best in PvP is 19659042 Eye of Another World. You can highlight potential threats and improve your grenade, melee, and rift energy regeneration with the Cerebral Uplink perk. Similar to the two exotics mentioned before, the statistics are dispersed over the area, with strength receiving the majority of the numbers and being closely followed by movement and healing. It’s understandable if you’re trying to become a rapid puncher, but in general, Hunters and Titans benefit more from that loadout. 19659043 Flow: 14 19659044 7 Strength Healing: 12 19659045 19659046 Punishment: 11 2 for intelligence 19659048 20 Strength Total: 66 Special Weapons No Caption Provided for Arbalest 19659053 Arbalest didn’t receive an upgrade today like many other exotics did, and it continues to function as it did during the previous season. If you want to reserve your power weapon slot for a gatling gun or a rocket launcher, you can equip this direct combination rifle in your secondary slot, which has an inherent anti-Barrier Champion perk. Hawkmoon No Caption Available 19659054 19659056 Rangefinder is Hawkmoon’s current role, which expands its trustworthy diversity and zoom magnification. It works nicely with Polymer Grip and is somewhat advantageous for PvP. Corkscrew Rifling, 19659057 Rangefinder Alloy Magazine 19659058 19659060 Grip Polymer 19659061 Death of a Man: No Caption Available On Dead Man’s Tale, eliminating wind is a common weapon perk because it gives you better movement, weapon variety, and handling after a last blow. However, the rest of this week’s development lacks those killer combination of benefits. Corkscrew Rifling, 19659064 Little Mag Getting Rid of Wind-Laid Stock Famous Armour Titan Type 19659068 Movement Powerful Healing 19659074 Retraining Intelligence Strength 19659075 Overall 19659077 Titan Gauntlets 25 2 6 19659083 10 19659084 10 11 64 19659087 BrayTech Thermal Grips Iron-Heart Engine by BrayTech 11 19659090 10 19659091 10 12 19659093 10 10 63 19659096 Titan Chest Armour Absolute Zero Mark by BrayTech The Titan Mark 19659098, 19659099, 19659100, 19659101, 19659103, 19659104, and 19659105 Titan Helmet by BrayTech 19659106 10 19659108 12 19659110 2 19659111 10 20 64 Titan Leg Armour 10 12 19659118 10 19659119 7 7 18 19659122 64 19659123 Warlock BrayTech Sn0Boots 19659115 19659124 Type Warlock Gauntlets BrayTech Researcher’s Gloves 16 16 19659129 2 20 19659131 6 19659132 7 19659133 67 Warlock Chest Armour BrayTech Researcher’s Robes 10 12 10 2 10 19659141 21 65 19659143 Warlock Bond for BrayTech Researcher 19659144 0 0 0 0 19659150 0 0 19659152 16 6 19659165 12 7 7 19659168 18 19659169 66 Hunter 19659171 Type 19659172 BrayTech Researcher’s Boots Warlock Leg Armour 19659174 16 6 19659176 12 7 19659178 7 18 66 BrayTech Researcher’s Hood 19659153 Warlock Helmet 18 6 19659156 7 19659157 6 19659158 16 12 19659160 65 19659161 Hunter Gauntlets 19659183 12 7 19659185 14 16 19659187 10 19659188 6 19659189 65 BrayTech Survival Mitts 19659182 Combat Vest by BrayTech 19659191 15 10 19659194 6 19659195 12 15 6 64 19659199 Hunter Chest Armour Winter Hunter Cloak from BrayTech 19659201 0 0 19659203 0 19659204 0 19659205 0 19659206 0 Sn0Mask by BrayTech 19659209 BrayTech Sn0Treads 19659217 Hunter Leg Armour 6 6 19659221 20 19659222 6 19659223 18 19659224 7 63 19659226 Hunter Helmet 10 19659211 12 11 10 19659214 2 19 64 19659217 Weapons of Notoriety Nibbling Hunger Energy Auto Rifle 19659229 Extended Barrel/ Full Bore 19659230 Tactical Mag/ Extended Mag Subsistence Multikill Clip Judgement of Kelgorath Energy Glaive 19659235 Tempered Truss Rod/ Lightweight Emitter 19659236 Alloy Magazine/ Accurate Rounds Defending champion 19659238 Unstoppable Force IKELOS_HC_v1.0.3 19659239 Quick Hit 19659244 Craze 19659245 Shattered Cypher 19659246 Heavy Machine Gun 19659247 Complete Bore/Hammer-Forged Rifling 19659240 Energy Hand Cannon 19659241 Fluted Barrel/ Full Bore 19659242 Accurized Rounds/ Extended Mag Under Pressure 19659250 Picture Sights 19659251 Cold Denial Kinetic Pulse Rifle Accurate Rounds/Steady Rounds 19659249 Hammer-Forged Rifling/Polygonal Rifling Unrelenting 19659257 Far-off Tumulus Energy Sniper Rifle Complete Bore/ Polygonal Rifling Added Mag/ Steady Rounds Alloy Magazine/ Armor-Piercing Rounds Risk Detector From Gold, Lead 19659263 Senseless 19659265 Kinetic Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel/Smallbore Steady Rounds/Flared Magwell Overflow Hooligan 19659264 19659269 19659270 Adagio The topics covered here were specifically chosen by our editors. If you decide to buy something that is listed on our website, GameSpot might receive a portion of the proceeds. Want to phone us directly or have a news tip? send an email to news@gamespot.com 19659272