The third-annual Queer Games Bundle highlights queer devs in 2023
The “pro-community and anti-competition” Queer Games Bundle gives 100% of its proceeds to the game developers featured in the collection.

June is Pride month, which likewise suggests it’s time for packages fixated queer art and video games.
Approximately 300 LGBTQ+ creators have contributed to the 450 PC games, zines, and software applications featured in the recently launched Queer Games Bundle on This is the third consecutive year that the bundle has been released, and it has been promoted as “an effort to collaboratively support queer indie, microindie, art, and speculative designers.”
Taylor McCue and Nilson Carroll, the package’s creators, referred to it as a “direct action” to help gay programmers. Like previous years, all designers will share in the profits. As of the time of this writing, the amount has reached $23,850 (out of a goal of $25,000).
“Almost 300 indie video game designers who are all from different walks of life and desire the opportunity to continue to make their art. […] Our goal is a future in which there disappear starving indie designers,” the package’s creators wrote.
The package includes Studio Clump’s Stillwater and MidBoss’ 2064: Only Read Memories as well as McCue’s He Fucked the Girl Out of Me (with different material cautions).The package comes in two flavours: one where customers pay $60 for everything, and another where they pay just for what they really use.
The Queer Games Bundle starts in early July and runs through the end of June.
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