In Avengers Inc., written by Al Ewing and illustrated by Leonard Kirk, the original Wasp, Janet Van Dyne, returns to the team to head up a new team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, as just announced by Marvel Comics.
Along with Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man, Janet Van Dyne was instrumental in the formation of the Avengers. She has reappeared from the group on multiple occasions in the 60 years since its inception in 1963. She has returned, and is once again at the helm of this organisation.
Which faction? The film is billed as “mixing noir and superheroes,” but other than that, we know very little about it, including which characters will really join the new team.
We do know that Janet’s first employee is named Victor Shade, the Vision’s pseudonym in the past, albeit this Vision appears to be an entirely separate person. The Vision is a character in the recently relaunched core Avengers comic.
At the start of [Avengers Inc.], a fatal conspiracy arises from the Avengers’ history, but with the help of Avenger Wasp, the situation is quickly resolved. When she meets her new companion, Victor Shade, she won’t have to go through life alone. See Marvel’s official statement for more. “This old Vision pseudonym suddenly reemerges just as Janet uncovers a tally of very evil guy deaths. Will he lead Wasp to the truth, or does his familiar disguise hide the very concepts Janet needs to crack the case?
Avengers, Inc. appears to have a little bit of a meta-mystery at its centre, as one might expect from Al Ewing, who is well-known for adding layers of cosmic intrigue to his series.
Janet Van Dyne is her name. I would call her a hero. Now she’s a famous actress. The hunt for a murderer is on. Hints that his name is “Victor Shade” are dropped in the release. That guy is a nasty guy. To put it mildly, he’s mysterious. The guy just vanished. They’ve joined forces to reveal every mystery in the Marvel Universe, starting with their own.
Afterwards, it seems as though the plot will centre on how Wasp and Victor Shade work together to solve mysteries across the Marvel Universe.
“Avengers Inc. teams up the original Avengers’ buzzing, whipping heart with an undead secret guy whose identity is so secret not even he can figure it out, and sends them out to fix the most remarkable, great, and extraordinary whodunits the Marvel Universe needs to provide!” In his declaration, Ewing explains. It’s the classic case of “will they, won’t they?” when two people work together to solve a crime, or at least it would be if the crime they were trying to solve was saving the planet. Until September!
The first issue of Avengers Inc., featuring the above cover by Daniel Acua, will be available on shelves on September 13.
The Wasp is one of the greatest Avengers of all time.
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