Homeworld 3 has actually been postponed to February 2024
The group is postponing for more time to fine-tune and polish
The newest endeavour of Homeworld is being pushed out of this year. The release of Homeworld 3 has really been delayed by Transmission Publishing and Blackbird Interactive from February 2023 to February 2024.
The team behind the new Homeworld is taking a little more time to complete the project than originally planned, which was for the “very first half” of 2023. The proclamation from today specifically highlights the need for time to clean up this brand-new entry.
According to today’s statement, “Our primary goal is to deliver a Homeworldexperience that lives up to the standards set by its forerunners and merits of this series’ amazing tradition.””Homeworld 3 is shaping up to be exactly that, but in order to realise that vision fully, we need more time to polish and fine-tune the video game,” the developers said.
We are delaying the release of Homeworld 3 from the first half of 2023 to February 2024 in order to provide fans the high-quality experience they deserve. pic.twitter.com/DaCX4eFMm4
No particular date has actually been set yet for February. In an FAQ on the Gearbox website, the group states it prepares to share its “greatestHomeworld 3development upgrade yet” later on this summertime. And the group likewise asserts that Blackbird’s relocate to a four-day work week has actually not had a delaying result onHomeworld 3The scope of the video game has actually not altered, either.
Who states you can’t go house (world)
For seasoned lovers of real-time approach, this follow-up, which was announced back in 2019, is a major deal. The initial 2Homeworld video games were well-liked, especially among fans of three-dimensional strategy and space fleet battles.
At PAX West, Blackbird also showed off some gameplay that appeared to be well done. It seems advantageous if the purpose of the delay is to ensure that Homeworld 3 can live up to tradition and fulfil its promises.
Surprisingly, this is not the first video game in 2023 to be delayed until following February.Kill the Justice League with the Suicide Squadmoved to February 2, 2024, from a previously planned May date. The first half of 2024 will see the release of two sizable video games, despite the fact that there is still much that needs to be released this year.
Eric Van Allen
a senior news reporter Eric has been blogging about video games since 2014, but he has been playing them much longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, exploring an independent gem, or hanging out at the Limsa Aethryte.
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