Evaluation: Fitness Circuit
It’s most likely far too late to get my gut all set for swimwear season
You have a tonne of excellent options if you own a Nintendo Switch and want to stay in shape or become in shape. If you actually get into it, there are games like Ring Fit Adventure3, Physical Fitness Boxing (including this year’s Physical Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star), multiple Simply Dance releases, and Nintendo Switch Sports. Those are the ones you’ve probably started to notice. You can find less well-known but equally effective video games like Let’s Get Fit and Yoga Master in the Switch brochure.
There are countless widely available video games that might motivate you to start working out, and Physical fitness Circuit is one more option.

Physical fitness Circuit (Switch)
Designer: EXFIT, Jupiter
Publisher: Spike Chunsoft
Launched: May 26, 2023
MSRP: $49.99
There are a few excellent ideas at work in the physical exercise circuit.Super Circuit Training, in which you alternate between cardio and strength activities, is the fundamental fitness concept behind the video game. After creating your profile, you’ll have a personalised workout routine that aligns with your goals for every day that you come. The workout will combine cardio and strength exercises that require players to exert themselves vigorously for 45 to 60 seconds apiece. After finishing your workout, you’ll have a minute to hydrate before repeating the exercises. If you don’t have enough time, you can choose to complete your daily routine only once, but you also have the option of doing it more than once.
similar to Knockout Home Fitness in 2021 Physical fitness Circuit is intended for people who are either already in shape or who are at the very least not completely out of shape. I’m in the middle, which means I had no trouble keeping up with the pace of the workouts while also finishing each workout drenched in perspiration. And not in a trendy way. It took me about a week to get used to the programme, but after I increased the number of runs I did each day during my usual training to three, I started to see how effective the rotating strategy was.
Your body should continue to move during the cardiac exercises. You’ll perform movements like heel taps, kicks, punches, and others that wouldn’t take up too much space on a Richard Simmons exercise video. Strength training is usually slower and involves holding a position while your muscles are extended. Overall, there are 45 workouts, although not all of them feel equally effective. Exercise didn’t seem to be happening during cardio exercises like the March and Butt-Kick. They were effective enough to provide my body a brief break in between more intense strength training sessions. One thing to keep in mind is that although the video game will claim you exercise for “10 minutes a day,” you should allow yourself at least half an hour to play between the pre-workout stretch and the post-workout relaxation.
You’re not playing this alone like you would in other fitness video games. Six fitness instructors in Physical Fitness Circuit are voiced by well-known anime actors such Emi Lo, Mick Lauer, and Amber May. As you progress up, you unlock brand-new clothes for these fitness instructors. Technically speaking, the fitness teachers are runners rather than fitness instructors. They compete in events in Extreme Park, which is typically a sci-fi version of American Gladiators, in the video game.Your workout performance will determine how quickly they complete their courses. This may have been a neat idea if there had been the time and resources to fully explore it, but Extreme Park’s inclusion here is just a justification for them to conduct a lot of other sports in a futuristic environment.
I was too preoccupied going through the motions to pay attention to the sports my runner was playing. Fitness Circuit offers a clear explanation of every movement you must perform for each session. You’ll receive a “cool” score if you complete the relocation correctly. If you perform it even slightly correctly, you will achieve “ok,” but failing to perform the exercise properly will result in “missing out on.” At the very least, that is the goal. I’ve been playing this video game for the past ten days, and I’ve found that it doesn’t always accurately detect your motions.
I’ve received “ok” rankings when I know I should have received “cool,” and there shouldn’t ever be a situation where I “miss out on” any of these workouts. When the video game stops tracking your movements, you can tell. You can collect the small stars on each motion track. With each one you receive, the joy-con controllers gently vibrate. Your controllers are not reading your motions if they are not vibrating. There is no reason for any gamer to receive a “miss out on” unless the controller is held totally motionless. You can make little adjustments to your movements to achieve a better reading. It’s not like the controls are so exact that they can tell if I’m holding my arms stationary at the recommended 90-degree angle.

Unfortunately, I was unable to test out the online multiplayer mode, which is a fascinating feature. You can compete in different training routines with up to three friends who also possess the game. If this isn’t available where you live, working out with a friend is a great way to stay on track. Only the Custom Circuit option, where you may create your own routines or use pre-made ones using exercises you’ve opened, offers multiplayer. Ready-made circuits are welcome because I’ve never been good at creating my own workout plans (which is probably why Wii Fit didn’t work for me). Recalled Pain 1 is the one I’ve been using frequently, and I can already feel its effects. Physical fitness Circuit does allow players to skip any exercise they don’t want to undertake if they have certain body parts they don’t want to work out or if their balance isn’t the best.
The audio could be much better at guiding players when their faces are turned away from the screen, and there are some strange localization issues where the text does not match what is happening on the screen. Beyond that, Physical Fitness Circuit is a well-rounded plan with the monitoring issues stated above as a minor drawback. Consider it a solid way to stay active every day if you’re looking for your first fitness video game on Switch or have grown weary of all the others.