Dead Cells has actually topped 10 million sales around the world
Movement Twin and Evil Empire believe that this success has actually been made possible by a steady supply of upgrades.

Designers Motion Twin and Evil Empire claim that over 10 million copies of Dead Cells have actually been sold in the past six years. The independent roguelike started its early access period in 2017 and then officially launched a year later.
Movement Twin and Evil Empire said that the simultaneous release of Dead Cells’ 1.0 version for PCs, consoles, and mobile devices, together with ongoing support in the form of 34 free upgrades, resulted in “long-tail success in all significant worldwide areas.”
A ‘Return to Castlevania’ expansion for Dead Cells, which was made possible by a partnership with Konami, is among the four high-end pieces of DLC that have been added to the game.
Through 2025, Evil Empire intends to continue maintaining Dead Cells with new updates that build upon its “tried and true” methodology.
After assuming management of Dead Cells’ live operations in 2019, “Evil Empire] is playing with its reliable approach, exploring ideas for future updates and brand-new methods for fans to enjoy among their favourite roguelikes,” wrote the company.
A group of former Motion Twin designers that eventually partnered with their former business to support Dead Cells founded Evil Empire.
The developer has already released a number of upgrades for the game, such as the “Break the Bank” add-on that added a new biome with new enemies and weaponry. Additionally, a new game mode called “Boss Rush” was introduced, allowing players to engage in back-to-back battles with different managers in order to unlock new items.
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